Household Skills

old-fashioned skills you never learned or might have forgotten

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Aims of the Blog

There are many skills that are becoming quaint, uncommon and even lost as convenient shopping malls provide easy alternatives - usually at greater expense. Over the years I've found there are a number of skills and crafts that are fun to do and also usually provide a better and more rewarding final product.

Some of these skills used to be passed down from generation to generation, like cooking, cleaning and gardening tips, however other skills like preserving fruit or making jams through to home remedies and crafts like knitting are not as commonly found in every home anymore.

My aim is to slowly learn and relearn as many "old" skills as I can and throughout that endeavour I will share what I've learned and how I went about learning it. I have found I am a stubborn and resourceful person when I set my mind to something and my techniques of teaching myself may not work for everyone. Usually I learn with a combination of youtube videos and internet research, trial and error, and plain determination.

I'm going to form a list of skills I know or would like to try from the mundane (cooking and cleaning) to more whimsical skills (like bee keeping) and then attempt to learn all of them throughout my life. I don't expect this will be a quick endeavour, but as I have been learning skills I've realised that I should be noting these things down for my own records and incase it is of benefit to others.

I am starting a new blog for this task because my other blogs have always focused on just one subject. My first task will be to try and make a list of things I want to learn or attempt at least once. Wouldn't it be grand if the list is 101 things!