Still Under Construction – Aiming for 101!
I’m sure I’ll end up doing some other things that aren’t on this list and some of these things are very ambitious and may not be possible, but it is good to have a list to guide me.
Arts and Crafts
1. Learn to Knit
2. Learn to Crochet
3. Learn to draw
4. Write a story
5. Publish a book
6. Learn to Quilt
7. Make a bag
8. Make a wallet
9. Put LEDs into projects
10. Make an article of clothing
11. Make a costume
12. Make a pair of socks
13. Learn to spin wool
14. Make Felt
15. Learn to darn
16. Learn to paint
17. Make something worthy of a family heirloom
18. Learn uses for vinegar
19. Learn uses for washing soda
20. Make soap
21. Get Mark on board with a house cleaning schedule
22. Organise wardrobe and keep clothes tidy
Computer Skills
23. Learn HTML
24. Learn PHP
25. Learn Javascript
26. Learn about payment gateways
27. Learn how to use a graphics tablet
28. Bake Bread
29. Make yoghurt
30. Make jam
31. Preserve fruit
32. Make mayonnaise
33. Collect favourite family recipes from relatives
34. Perfect a poached egg
35. Brew beer or cider
36. Make icecream
37. Make gyoza
38. Make an Indian curry from scratch
Games and Activities
39. Shoot a bow and arrow
40. Relearn cribbage
41. Relearn English peg solitaire
42. Attempt to read around 30 books per year
43. Make a snowman
44. Grow vegetables
45. Grow fruit
46. Keep chickens
47. Keep bees
48. Grow herbs
49. Grow mushrooms
50. Have something growing every season
51. Cook dinner from scratch at least 6 days per week
52. Exercise at least 3 times per week
53. Draw something at least 2 times per week
54. Sew something at least once per week
55. Write one achievement or good thing in my diary every day
56. Wash dishes every day
Home Improvements
57. Paint walls
58. Plaster
59. Tile a wall
60. Fix a leaking tap
61. Install a fishpond
62. Learn to cement
63. Build a retaining wall
64. Use fibreglass
65. Make a piece of furniture
66. Repaint skirting boards and bathroom walls
67. Renovate bathroom
68. Install new built in wardrobe and remove old one
69. Learn to Solder
70. Learn how to calculate LED/resistor requirements
71. Create a budget
72. Donate through a micro-loan (kiva)
73. Organise a diary like Nanna Ashby’s and record major events (and minor ones)
74. Learn more Japanese
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